In recent years the role of main meals has been reduced, entailing a deconstruction of lunch and dinner were so reorganized in favour of a greater number of occasions of consumption throughout the day. This has led to the development of new proposals such as the happy hour or brunch that represent the direct response to the changes of society: it is, in fact, about occasions that conciliate on one side the need to eat quickly and on the other the increasing opportunities for socialization and conviviality. IFM in light of this evolution designs innovative and dynamic spaces from the elegant and functional design in line with the modern concept of eating out. We offer our clients various solutions: food in shopping centres, exhibition centres, industrial and handicraft centres, hospitals, theatres and colleges of the main cities of Italy. The goal is wanting to offer its clients an atmosphere ideal for a relaxing time and venue, in addition to being a place of refreshment.


IFM inserts a fundamental element: no more kilos of bread and surpluses end up in the trash but they are entrusted to the expert hands of the Food Bank. The company adheres fully to the principles of “Good Samaritan Law”- Law no. 155, entered into force on 16 July 2003 – designed to encourage donations of food ready and not consumed within the catering and to facilitate the activities of organizations that distribute meals and groceries, to the poor, free of charge. Considering the food, very precious commodity, we share the needs to share the meaning of life. The identification and application of appropriate procedures for the recovery of alimony gives the responsibility to each of those involved, but with a new and higher moral capacity that derives from the free and spontaneous adherence to the culture of the gift and the recovery of food. The Milan Expo 2015 represents for IFM the horizon to strive for “Safeguarding the future of the planet and the right of future generations all over the world to live prosperous and fulfilling existences is the great challenge for the development of the 21st century; understanding the links between environmental sustainability and fairness is essential if we want to expand human freedoms for present and future generations. ” Human Development Report 2011